^^ i pwn
k well..
i did some stuff that were against zandragon's tips yet made me very successfull
what i did was
never buy a giant, they cost too much and are slow, good for holding off attacks when needed, ONLY when needed
get waves of speartons for these men have very high hp,def and att when fully upgraded, worth the upgrade points
only upgrade miners till theyre full upgraded then save up for ur speartons
if u r having trouble at the place u unlock the speartons, do this
have 3 times the units they have (3:1)
have the swordsmen/clubmen on the front, i prefer 10
then have the archers backing them up (where else would they be?), i use 5
the speartons will throw their spears at u and the swordsmen will take the damage >.>
while this is happening, ur swordsmen will be up at the speartons and the speartons till have to fight back, which means they wont be blocking...which means ur archers till be able to hit the speartons
and yada yada yada they go up and destroy the statue
so anyway the lvls after that; buy a spearton right at the beginning of each lvl, and control that unit and attack the enemy
save up on your gold, buy miners when you can, only buy miners till 5 miners
(yes my technique takes more time but worth it later on in the game)
then only buy speartons, that is if the enmy still isnt dead yet -.-", if theyre coming to u, then switch to another spearton and theyll all run back. (damn i have a headache now -.-)
after your population has reached 20, attack.
srry for the wall of words
k trust me in like 10 mins this is gonna be marked useless